SORN Industries

 The Colour’s of Nature 

Healthy and Beautiful

As we recover from bushfires, a virus pandemic, lockdowns, floods, unfortunately for some the flooding continues. We are continually in an anxious, stressed state or at best recovering from an anxious state. And well all this stress has flipped the home design and decor scene completely.

Trending now and has been for a little while are natural colours. The colours of the earth, foliage, the ocean, the sky and the forest floor. These hues have been studied by neuroscientists and designers and not so surprisingly were found to be the most relaxing and creative on the spectrum.

Our visual connection with nature has evolved from research on a visual preference. Our responses to views of nature show reduced stress, more positive emotional functioning and improved concentration and recovery rates. Stress recovery from visual connects with nature has reportedly been associated with lower blood pressure and heart rate; reduced attentional fatigue, sadness, anger and aggression; and improved mental engagement/ attentiveness, attitude and overall happiness. 

There are many factors you can consider in natural design such environmental features, natural shape and form, natural patterns and processes, light and space.

The role of colour in the natural and built environments cannot be overstated. Although it can be difficult to precisely measure or predict colour’s impact on people, it’s clear that its relationship to human beings is profound. It can serve some of our most basic instincts for survival as well as appeal to our higher affections for beauty.

Follow this link to my online store and you will spot some of this luxurious collection